Howard Humphreys (East Africa) Limited

British Army Infrastructure Development at Laikipia
Project Details
Client Scope Services Timeline
British Army Infrastructure Development
The Project is to provide new infrastructure for BATUK (British Army Training Unit in Kenya) with a design life of 25 years for the works. The Design and Build contract requires strict adherence to British Standards and most current regulations on Fire Strategies, Environmental and cost effective Operation and Maintenance regimes. The works are to establish technical and accommodation facilities comprising of Living Accommodation Facilities, Catering Retail and Leisure facilities, Equipment Support facilities, 7km Roads network, 5Ha Vehicle parking, Utilities, Power and Security Lighting. The facilities will form part of a formal military camp to accommodate 2,500 personnel.
The project involved: Overall Project management duties including MEP design reviews and coordination of site construction works. Coordination of design works by other subcontractors and Organising for design reviews by the Client. Carry out design works for MEP Services, peer reviews and design sign offs.