Howard Humphreys (East Africa) Limited


Project name
Total contract amount (Works) Company position and contract shareTechnical characteristicsScope of work / Activities performed
Aug 2016 to
Nov 2016

Kenya, Conceptual designs for Kamumu Multipurpose dam in Embu

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project comprises a concrete faced rockfill dam (CFRD) with storage capacity of 24.2 million m3, 59 km of main irrigation pipeline with diameters ranging from DN 1200 to 300, 33 km of domestic water supply pipework with diameters ranging from DN450 to DN 110 complete with a conventional water treatment plant of capacity 4,500m3/day and construction of a hydropower stations of 1.2Megawatts capacity
– Hydrological studies
– Geological studies
– Economic analysis
– Socio-economic studies
– Preliminary Environmental and social impact assessment
– Conceptual design and costing for the dam, hydropower, irrigation and domestic water supply infrastructure
Aug 2016 to
Nov 2016

Kenya, Conceptual designs for Rupingazi Multipurpose dam in Embu

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project comprises a clay core with weathered rock shoulders dam with storage capacity of 28.4 million m3, 74 km of main irrigation pipeline with diameters ranging from DN 1200 to 300, 92 km of domestic water supply pipework with diameters ranging from DN600 to DN 110 complete with a conventional water treatment plant of capacity 7,650m3/day and construction of a hydropower stations of 5.5Megawatts capacityHydrological studies
Geological studies
Economic analysis
Socio-economic studies
Preliminary Environmental and social impact assessment
Conceptual design and costing for the dam, hydropower, irrigation and domestic water supply infrastructure
Aug 2016 to
Nov 2016

Kenya, Conceptual designs for Thambana Multipurpose dam in Embu

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project comprises a zoned clay fill dam with storage capacity of 27.1 million m3, 56 km of main irrigation pipeline with diameters ranging from DN 1200 to 250 and construction of 3No. hydropower stations of 0.62, 4.5 and 6.8 Megawatts capacity
Hydrological studies
Geological studies
Economic analysis
Socio-economic studies
Preliminary Environmental and social impact assessment
Conceptual design and costing for the dam, hydropower and irrigation infrastructure
Sept 2017 to date

Kenya, Design Review and Construction Supervision of Bomet-Mulot Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project comprises a new run-of-river intake, 19.1km length of DN500 raw water main, 10,040m3/d water treatment works, 41.2km length of OD/DN160-400mm treated water mains, 27km length of OD110-160 distribution network, 5 No. storage tanks of capacities 500–1000m3 and construction of ablution blocks
Feasibility study
Preliminary and detailed design
ESIA ad RAP safeguards
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
DLP inspections, testing and commissioning
Sept 2017 to date

Kenya, Design Review and Construction Supervision for Oyugis and Kendu Bay Water Supply and Sanitation Project.

Sole consultant, 100% share
For Kendu Bay, the project comprises intake works, 5,700m3/day water treatment works, laying of 7km length of OD400 raw water main, 17km length of OD355/315 treated water main, 2,000m3 capacity storage tank and 12.5km length of distribution mains. For Oyugis, it comprises intake works, 12,300m3/day water treatment works, 1.3km length of OD450 raw water main, 16km OD450/400 treated water main, 4,500m3 storage tank and 12.5km of distribution mains
Review of designs
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
DLP inspections, testing and commissioning
Sept 2017 to date

Kenya, Design Review and Construction Supervision for Kiambu and Ruaka Water Supply and Sewerage Project.

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project involves 48km length of DN450 trunk sewers, 56km length of OD300 lateral sewers, rehabilitation of existing Kiambu wastewater treatment works and 20km length of OD63-160 water distribution network all covering Kiambu town, Ndumberi, Kirigiti, Mugumo, Kiamumbi, Thindigwa, Ruaka Town, Mucatha, Ndenderu and Kanda Komu
Review of designs
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
DLP inspections, testing and commissioning
Aug 2017 to date

Kenya, Design Review and Construction Supervision for Kikuyu and Limuru Water Supply and Sewerage Project.

Sole consultant, 100% share
For Kikuyu, the project involves 52km length of OD/DN 250-450 gravity sewers and 26km length of OD63-160 water distribution network covering Kikuyu town, Kidfarmaco and Thogoto. For Limuru, it involves 34km length of OD 250-300 gravity sewers, rehabilitation/expansion of existing wastewater treatment works and 20km length of OD110-160 water distribution network
Review of designs
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
DLP inspections, testing and commissioning
April 2016 to date

Kenya, Augmentation of Ithanga Water Supply Project.

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project comprises run-of-river intake works on Thika River, 800m length of DN650 raw water main, new 6,000m3/day capacity water treatment works, 27km treated water pipeline and 1,000m3 water tank
Feasibility study
Preliminary and detailed design
ESIA ad RAP safeguards
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
Aug 2015 to date

Kenya, Augmentation of Malava and Moi’s Bridge Water Supplies and Design of Moi’s Bridge-Matunda Sewerage Project.

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project involves design of intakes, raw water mains, new water treatment plants, treated water mains, water storage tanks and main transmission pipelines for the water distribution system to supply areas of Malava, Moi’s Bridge and Matunda Towns as well as a new sewerage system for Moi’s Bridge and Matunda Towns.
The scope of sewerage works includes about 23km length of new sewers and construction of wastewater treatment works for Moi’s Bridge and Matunda townships
Review of designs
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
DLP inspections, testing and commissioning
Nov 2014 to Aug 2015

Kenya, Feasibility Study and Final Design for Kipkarren Dam Treatment Works and Associated Distribution Lines

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project involved design of raw water mains from existing Kipkarren Dam, a new water treatment plant, rising main, water storage tanks and pipelines for the water distribution system to supply areas of Langas, Kapseret and Eldoret International Airport. Project also involved rehabilitation and restoration of dilapidated Lelmokwo Water Works within the project area
Preliminary and detailed design
ESIA ad RAP safeguards
Tender documentation
Jan 2010 to Dec 2014

Kenya, Detailed Design and Works Supervision for Murang’a Bulk Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project involved detailed design and supervision of construction of bulk water supply to the larger Murang’a District including sewerage for Murang’a Town. The scope of sewerage works included about 16km on new and replacement sewers and construction of two new anaerobic ponds as part of augmentation of the existing wastewater treatment works
Feasibility study
Preliminary and detailed design
ESIA ad RAP safeguards
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
DLP inspections, testing and commissioning
Jan 2007 to Dec 2016

Kenya, Detailed Design and Works Supervision for Strengthening Water Transmission Pipelines

Sub-consultant, 80% share
The project involved construction of 17km of 800mm/900mm diameter steel transmission pipeline from Kwa Maiko to Gigiri Reservoirs, as well as about 9 km of 700mm diameter steel pumping main from Gigiri Pumping Station to Kabete Water Treatment Works.
The scope also included installation of two new pumps and the associated accessories at Gigiri Pumping Station
Preliminary and detailed design
ESIA ad RAP safeguards
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
DLP inspections, testing and commissioning
Dec 2009 to
March 2015

Kenya, Supervision of Works in Package 4 (Lessos, Cluster 1 Rural Growth Centres of Lumakanda and Kipkaren and Cluster 2 Rural Growth Centres of Chesikaki, Sirisia and Cheptais)

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project involved construction of new as well as the rehabilitation of existing water schemes for Lessos, Cluster 1 Rural Growth of Lumakanda and Kipkaren and Cluster 2 Rural Growth Centres of Chesikaki, Sirisia and Cheptais. The scope of works includes construction of intake works, treatment works (1,200m3/day and 600m3/day), 25km transmission and distributions mains, and storage reservoirs
Review of designs
Tender documentation
Tendering and tender evaluation
Supervision of construction
DLP inspections, testing and commissioning
Feb 2009 to Nov 2009

Kenya, Feasibility Study and Detailed Design for Othaya and Mukurweini Water Supply and Sewerage Project

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project involved study of the existing water supply situation in Othaya Division with a view to rehabilitating and designing comprehensive augmentation measures of the system
Feasibility study
Preliminary and detailed design
ESIA ad RAP safeguards
Tender documentation
Jan 2009 to
June 2009

Kenya, Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design for Machakos Town Water Supply and Sewerage Project

Sole consultant, 100% share
The project comprises construction of a new 15m high dam, rehabilitation of the existing Maruba Dam and existing treatment works, construction of a DN 600 steel gravity raw water main to a new 10,000m3/d treatment plant, 18km of DN 450 rising mains and various size distribution lines within Machakos Town. It also included the construction of 2 No. waste stabilisation pond sites to treat 7,500m3/d and 2,600m3/d respectively
Feasibility study
Preliminary design
ESIA ad RAP safeguards