Limuru Water Supply and Sewerage Treatment Project
Client: Athi Water Works Development Agency
The Project entailed rehabilitation and expansion of existing Limuru sewage treatment works and rehabilitation of existing sewers. The overall goal was to improve the health and quality of life and reduce poverty levels of the communities through provision of water and sanitation services on a sustainable basis.
The scope of work included:
• Construction of sewers for Industrial area, Karanjee, Misri, Kwa Mbira and Limuru Town.
• Construction of 450 household/property connections for the Limuru Sewerage Project.
• Construction of additional lateral sewers and manholes.
• Rehabilitation of existing Limuru Waste Water Treatment Plants
• Construction and equipping of oxidation ditches, settling tanks, submersible pump chamber with pumps, sludge drying beds and effluent discharge chamber
• Drilling and equipping of Boreholes and construction of elevated tanks.