Howard Humphreys (East Africa) Limited

Improving Access to Water in Kenya’s Secondary towns

Access to safe and reliable water and sanitation services are internationally recognised as human rights. In Kenya, the Constitution promulgated in 2010, underscores the importance of access to water and states that “everyone has the right to clean and safe water in adequate quantities”, and “…should have reasonable access to water, health and infrastructure.”  As a Member State of the United Nations, Kenya has adopted and endorsed the sustainable development goals, including SDG 6 which is to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”.

Every year on the 22nd of March, World Water Day is observed internationally, and is intended to highlight the importance of fresh water. This year’s world water day is about ‘accelerating change to solve water and sanitation crisis’. With an appreciation that water affects us all, the theme calls all to act to address the water crisis affecting our communities and lives.

As we mark this day, Howard Humphreys will shed light on the impact of water projects on communities they have work, been working and give recommendations on how these successes could be scaled in secondary towns in Africa.