Howard Humphreys (East Africa) Limited

Project Details
Client Scope Services Timeline
Africa Geothermal International Limited (AGIL)
Howard Humphreys in a joint venture with Sinclair Knight Merz was involved in the feasibility studies, engineering and hydrogeological investigations and planning for the Longonot Geothermal Project. The Specific services include access roads development, water supply investigations, ecological studies on Mt Longonot National Park and its dispersal area, resettlement planning, socio-economic and cultural heritage studies on the neighboring communities as part of baseline surveys in preparation for the exploration of viable steam fields. The Venture also carried out the ESIA Study and is assisting with the site approval for Carbon Credits Trading and CDM
Services Provided: Technical studies to identify potential options for access roads and water supply for drilling. Environmental Impact Assessment Topographical survey and geotechnical investigations Detailed design of the access roads and water supply facilities including preparation of tender documents Design of well pads for exploration drilling